The Sound of Silence

Non Verbal Communication

Non-verbal cues play a significant role in the communication process and can greatly impact the message being conveyed.

According to the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) model of communication, based on the works Mehrabian, only 7% of the meaning of a message is conveyed through the words themselves, while 55% is conveyed through body language and 38% through tone of voice.  Which seems to indicate that in a one on one interaction, silence have more impact than words !

The power of non-verbal communication can be difficult to determine as it may vary depending on the situation, culture, and relationship between individuals involved. However, NLP recognizes the importance of non-verbal cues in shaping the message being conveyed and their impact on the understanding and interpretation of communication.

NLP also emphasizes the role of non-verbal cues in rapport building and creating a positive and supportive environment in relationships and professional interactions. NLP practitioners believe that mirroring and matching the non-verbal cues of the other person can help to build rapport and establish a deeper connection, and that positive non-verbal cues, such as a warm smile, good eye contact, and an open posture, can create feelings of comfort and trust.

In addition, NLP considers non-verbal cues as a tool for influencing and shaping the unconscious mind. NLP practitioners assert that utilizing specific non-verbal cues, such as confident and assertive postures, can help to activate unconscious resources and beliefs, and that positive non-verbal cues can influence and enhance our internal states, thoughts, and emotions.

Non-verbal communication is a critical aspect of the communication process, and although the exact percentage of communication that is non-verbal may vary, NLP recognizes the importance of understanding and utilizing non-verbal cues in shaping our interactions with others.


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