The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense


Language is a powerful tool that shapes our perception of reality and influences our interactions with others. Effective communication can lead to improved  outcomes, stronger relationships, and more persuasive conversations. By mastering Ericksonian language patterns, we can harness the subtle power of words to achieve our goals. One of the easiest and quickest methods to achieve this is by redirecting the conversation. This simple pattern  can be immediately employed to good effect.  It is one of my favorites and is used by politicians in almost all debates. As a parent or coach you should use it too !  The pattern is simple yet powerful.

The problem is not X but Y

Here are a couple of examples:-

  1. Procrastination:
    • It’s not about being lazy; it’s about feeling unsure of where to start
  2. Relationship Conflict:
    • The challenge isn’t that you don’t care about each other, but that you’re struggling to communicate effectively.
  3. Performance Anxiety:
    • The issue isn’t that you’re not capable, but that you’re putting too much pressure on yourself to be perfect.
  4. Weight Management:
    • The problem isn’t that you lack willpower, but that you haven’t found a sustainable approach that fits your lifestyle.
    • It’s not about dieting; it’s about adopting a lifestyle that you can maintain long-term
  5. Career Dissatisfaction:
    • The issue isn’t that you’re in the wrong profession, but that you haven’t identified what truly motivates and excites you within it.
  6. Financial Struggles:
    • The issue isn’t that you don’t earn enough money, but that you haven’t developed a solid plan for managing what you do earn.
  7. Health and Fitness:
    • The problem isn’t that you can’t stick to an exercise routine, but that you haven’t found an activity you genuinely enjoy.
  8. Study Habits (Excellent for Homework !)
    • The challenge isn’t that you can’t focus on studying or that you’re not smart but that you haven’t discovered the most effective study methods yet. Let’s give it another try.
  9. Social Anxiety:
    • It’s not about disliking people; it’s about feeling afraid of being judged or misunderstood
  10. Creative Block:
    • The issue isn’t that you’re not creative, but that you’re afraid to take risks and make mistakes.

These reframes help gently shift the focus from a perceived weakness or failure to a more constructive perspective that highlights potential solutions or underlying causes.

Practice using the pattern ! Enjoy.

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