That went well !

The meaning of communication

“The meaning of communication is the Response you get.

If, when trying to communicate with another person they provide a different response than your intended message then it is really the response that’s important. In other words the message you send may not be the message they receive. The recipient of the message is working from their unique world view or internal representation (IR) just as we are working from ours. It is not surprising since the message has been deleted, distorted and generalized they believe their response is correct.

Conversely, since research has demonstrated that words represent only 7% of our communication perhaps your non-verbal communication tone or stance was communicating an entirely different message ? Assuming this is the case then perhaps they have responded correctly ?

This highlights a very real issue. It seems that whatever you meant to convey is irrelevant because it will be filtered by the recipient according to their own IR and is very obvious in the area of politics.

As long as a skilled communicator has developed rapport and is using sensory acuity they should be able to effectively convey their message to the intended audience.

The absolute test and key to determining effective communication is gauging and measuring the response.

If the response is in alignment with the message then it has been effectively communicated and understood.


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