Have You Done your Homework ?

Milton's homework tips

Homework ! I know,  I hated it, You hated it and now your kids hate it. There’s so much to do but so little time.

It’s like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, where every time you finish one assignment, two more pop up. How do you convince your kids it’ll pay-off in the end.

Never fear, Milton is here !

Try these language patterns

“Think about how much easier the rest of your homework will be once you finish this task.”

Reframing: “What if we look at this problem from a different angle? Let’s try solving it this way and see if it works.”

Pacing: “I understand that doing homework can be a little boring, but if we work on it together for just 15 minutes, I bet we can get a lot done.”

Metaphors: “Think of doing your homework like building a puzzle. Each problem is a piece that helps you complete the picture.”

Presuppositions: “When you finish your homework, you’ll have more free time to do the things you love.”

Embedded Commands: “As you work on this math problem, picture yourself getting the right answer and feeling proud of your work.”

Pacing and Leading: “It’s totally normal to feel frustrated when you don’t understand a problem at first. But if we break it down step by step, I know we can figure it out.”

Ambiguity: “What if this homework is just a fun challenge for us to solve together?”

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