NLP Ecology

Wholeness and the Conscious/Unconscious Divide

All procedures should increase Wholeness

The concept of ecology is a critical component of NLP and is intimately related to wholeness. Ecology is essentially the notion that a strategy or event is good for, self, others and the community.

If a procedure or strategy has a negative impact on ecology then it tends to cause an overall decrease in wholeness. Another way of viewing this is that the conscious/unconscious mind are out of sync and at odds with each other. If this is the case , there tends to be an inner struggle which can manifest in a variety of ways. Stress, headaches, nervous ticks, and sleeplessness to name a few.

One of the prime directives of the unconscious mind is survival and one should attempt to achieve balance and unity when pursuing a goal. We should ensure our beliefs, values and spiritual goals are aligned such that there is no conflict or imbalance within our own internal representation of the reality.

Sometimes we are forced to make difficult choices which may not sit well with our ideals, this is never good and may produce an internal conflict which desperately needs to be resolved.

A useful tool to critically examine whether or not an apparent conflict does indeed decrease integrity is to analyze the situation via the hierarchy of ideas.

Using the hierarchical levels and chunking up polarized thoughts can quickly reach resolution and may be united by using the parts integration process. This method  allows the integration of ideas at an unconscious level to go beyond the boundaries of each conflicting idea to achieve a higher level of wholeness.

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