I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes

Perceptual positions and shifting viewpoints



One of the key concepts in NLP is the idea of perceptual positions, which refers to the different perspectives or viewpoints from which we can observe and experience a situation. By a simple adjustment of perceptual position it becomes possible to observe “something” differently.

There are three main perceptual positions:

  1. First position: This is the perspective of the person experiencing the situation. It is the “I” perspective and it represents our own thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  2. Second position: This is the perspective of another person involved in the situation. It is the “You” perspective and it allows us to understand and empathize with the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others.
  3. Third position: This is an objective or detached perspective, in which we observe the situation as if we were a neutral third party, without any personal involvement. It is the “It” perspective and it allows us to gain a more objective understanding of the situation.

By being aware of and able to shift between these different positions, NLP practitioners believe it is possible to gain a more complete understanding of a situation and to communicate more effectively with others.

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