Do the best you can

Doing your best with available resources

The NLP concept that everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available is a fundamental principle. It is identical with the principle of “no blame”.This idea suggests that each person is doing the best they can in any given situation based on their current knowledge, skills, and resources. By recognizing and accepting this principle, NLP practitioners can improve communication, reduce conflicts, and build stronger relationships.

For example, consider a student who struggles with a particular subject in school. This is related to a smorgasbord of experience, such as prior knowledge, study habits, and access to support and resources. A teacher who recognizes and accepts this principle is more likely to provide support and guidance, rather than frustration or criticism, leading to better academic performance and a more positive learning experience for the student.

In the workplace, this principle can also be applied to improve teamwork and collaboration. By understanding that colleagues are doing the best they can with the resources available to them, team members can work together more effectively and resolve conflicts more easily. For instance, a team leader  may adjust and reallocate limited resources adjust project deadlines or allocate additional resources to support the team member’s success.

In relationships this principle can promote empathy, understanding, and forgiveness. By recognizing that partners and family members are doing the best they can, based on their current knowledge and resources, conflicts can be resolved more easily and relationships can be strengthened. For example, a partner who recognizes that their spouse is struggling may choose to offer support and understanding during a difficult time, rather than compound the circumstances using criticism or judgment.

There are really no un-resourceful people. Everyone has all the resources they need it’s just a question of developing the ability to access them.  Limitations evaporate when the appropriate, strategy, technique or approach from the corpus of NLP is employed. If one person can achieve a certain goal then it is possible to model and replicate the goal. Nothing succeeds like success. Moreover success in one area of life tends to bleed over and impact other “problem” areas. Clarity, creativity, confidence and passion are ignited and applied to remove any doubt or self-sabotage. This may be achieved by transforming an un-resourceful state to a resourceful state via any chosen NLP technique such as the circle of excellence or stacking anchors.

Creative solutions and brainstorming can be invoked whenever required to tackle the most challenging  issues.

In conclusion, the principle that everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have available is a valuable tool for improving communication, reducing conflicts, and building stronger relationships in personal, professional, and therapeutic contexts. By recognizing and accepting this principle, we can foster empathy, understanding, and support, and work together more effectively to achieve our goals.

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